Error message

  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property MergeQuery::$condition is deprecated in MergeQuery->__construct() (line 1357 of /homepages/9/d87215653/htdocs/icevan_d7_jan15/includes/database/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property DatabaseCondition::$stringVersion is deprecated in DatabaseCondition->compile() (line 1887 of /homepages/9/d87215653/htdocs/icevan_d7_jan15/includes/database/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property DatabaseCondition::$stringVersion is deprecated in DatabaseCondition->compile() (line 1887 of /homepages/9/d87215653/htdocs/icevan_d7_jan15/includes/database/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property DatabaseCondition::$stringVersion is deprecated in DatabaseCondition->compile() (line 1887 of /homepages/9/d87215653/htdocs/icevan_d7_jan15/includes/database/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property DatabaseCondition::$stringVersion is deprecated in DatabaseCondition->compile() (line 1887 of /homepages/9/d87215653/htdocs/icevan_d7_jan15/includes/database/


First to Market With One-Hour Ice Delivery

IceVan was launched in 2001 during the height of the first dot-com bubble. Inspired by the successes and failures of many of those first-generation Internet companies, set out to redefine the ice experience with a wide variety of designer gourmet ices, as well as tools and accessories, all accessible through one-hour delivery. The horrendous business economics and unsustainability of one-hour ice delivery led to the evolution of the business model. Subsequently, began focusing on do-it-yourself ice making at home and an affiliate partnership with for fulfillment and delivery.

Official Sundance Film Festival Selection

To learn more, you can watch the mockumentary film Behind the Startup:, which was named an official selection to the 2002 Sundance Online Film Festival and was shown and widely downloaded at the January festival.



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